My Favorite Images To Date

Hey everyone I hope you are having a wonderful Week and looking forward to the weekend. Today I wanted to talk about some of my favorite images and to show you some of my all time Favorite images. I take a lot of different types of sessions and Meet a lot of different people and I truly enjoy my career and the joys of capturing beautiful images and helping preserve beautiful memories.

My first Favorite Image was from a recent Maternity Session, Kaitlyn. I first met Kaitlyn at her best friend's Maternity session and from there we set up her own maternity session before she left for Florida. She did amazing and looked Beautiful. The reason this one is one of my favorites Is because while editing a vision came for how I wanted this image to look and WOW It came out beautifully, I chose Black and White for an intense emotional connection between viewer and the image as well as how the mommy to be saw her body, Beautiful and Glowing. Thank you Kaitlyn for allowing me to capture these beautiful images for you, This one is my absolute Favorite.

The next Favorite Image was from a Maternity Session from a week ago. I had purchased a piece of fabric for a chair Prop and when the time came for the session I asked if we could use it as well as a new floral head dress as one of the outfits and she said sure, And once I saw the images through my camera I absolutely fell in love with how these were so warm, fairy tale like and just absolutely glowing and gorgeous. Her session went amazingly and I want to thank you Lorena For allowing me to capture you and your baby girl before she arrives.

My Next favorite Would have to be a Re edit of one of the original Weddings that I have captured. Rebecca Had a lovely small outdoor county wedding. While there we went and took a few bridals and I absolutely loved the country feel and the rustic look of her wedding, This image looked completely different the first time editing and now my editing skills have changed and I really went into this image with every detail and It came out very beautiful. Thank you Rebecca for allowing me to capture you Big Day And I hope you love the new edit of your beautiful image.

The last Favorite Image would be from a Theme session from over a year ago. I love theme sessions, and this was by far one of my favorite sessions. The theme was a Mad hatter out in the woods type session and She did amazing Kaitlin is an amazing model and really works the camera. Thanks Kaitlin for allowing me to take these Beautiful modeling images for you.

Thanks for coming by and reading my newest Blog entry I hope that you enjoy the images and as always feel free to Share, Follow, Comment and lets talk Photography.