My First Project For Myself

Hey Everyone Recently I have been wanting to push myself into learning more about this profession and get into the technical things with images. I have absolutely fallen in love with Bokeh, Not sure why I have but there is just something that really catches my eye about the lovely blur that is found into the background of images.

While looking at others work and trying to figure if it was mainly In camera blur or additional added from Photoshop, I thought to myself Leesa why not Test it out in camera. That is the best way to learn and focus on bringing your ability Up In the world. 

So what I did was grabbed my camera and the 50 mm lens as well as one of my vintage cameras and headed for my front yard and started shooting with different F STOPS and adjusting my WB and the images and Blur were Beautiful.

I then came back inside and changed my lens to my Kit Lens The 18-55 mm and then went back out and played around. I changed my distance my angle and the difference was so Clear on which lens is much better with Bokeh, The 50 mm Because of the fact you can get the f Stop low enough where you achieve a small amount of focus and a Beautiful Bokeh. 

This Project was so fun to practice and turns out I LOVE the images coming from this and I want to achieve more lovely images so I will definitely be Giving myself projects as soon as I can so that I am able to work with more of my camera and less in the editing process. 

I must say If you photograph for a living, Take a break from the desk and head outside and capture some random object, animal and person and really push yourself and you never know you may LOVE what you accomplish. I want to say thank you to those who really have Shown me that perseverance and Hard work are Well worth the Smiles you capture. Thank you to Stephanie Stafford, An Amazing Fine Art Photographer for helping and showing that time will help you achieve great things. 

Below Is a Collage with settings on the different Bokeh that was achieved Thank you for stopping By Feel free to contact me or comment with any questions. 


Today's Post is Of a lovely Photographer and Business Woman Sara From Oh Darling Photography.. Head over and check out her Beautiful Work.

I'm Sara, a natural light photographer in Indiana. I love to shoot everything, but have found my niche with families and children. I've always loved photography, but got a little more into it when my older kids were little. I probably drove them crazy, but I always had a camera in their faces! 

I actually started to get serious a few years ago with the encouragement of my husband. In fact, I probably wouldn't be doing it at all if it weren't for him. He's always been supportive and helped me out more than I could have imagined over the last few years.
I started out with just a little Nikon point and shoot, just practicing on friends and family. After going through several models and LOTS of practice, I finally upgraded to my full frame Canon a few months ago, and am totally in love. I still keep my Rebel T1 in my bag as a backup and my go-to camera for everyday things. I also keep a few lenses, but my 50mm stays on the camera most of the time.

I would tell any beginner to keep shooting! Practice, read articles, watch videos and practice some more. It's so very easy to get knocked down in this business. There will be clients that are difficult and other photographers that will do their best to drag you down. Keep your head up and do what you love!

A Beautiful Friendship

Hey everyone I haven't posted lately And I am sorry Just have been catching up on Wonderful edits for beautiful families, Friends and Couples. Today I am showing one of my latest sessions A Best Friend Session. 

These two lovely ladies allowed me to capture their beautiful friendship using images, and They did amazing and I could definitely see why they are best friends. Breanna and Jessica came out to Phinizy Swamp and we just had a great time talking and taking pictures.

Below is just a sneak peek of these lovely ladies. I hope that you enjoy feel free to comment, Follow and Share. 

Links to more of my work are at the top of the Blog Feel free to Browse and as always I would love to hear from you about capturing your beautiful moments.